Training For Professionals (TFP)

As our lettings clients will already know, Estates IT is partnered with Training for Professionals (TFP) and our software package for Estate Agents and Letting Agents, PCHomes. includes their professional letter suite.
The suite includes Tenancy Agreements, Pre- and End Tenancy Notices, Prescribed Information and many others. The documents are all legally compliant, and every time TFP publish a legal update Estates IT push this through to your PCHomes software, so you can rest assured that the documents in PCHomes will never let you down.
You may also be interested to learn that TFP provide a multitude of other services for agents too. Their helpline service is a vital source of information and aims to prevent agents from getting into situations that could potentially lead to costly prosecutions. The helpline can assist you with deposit protection issues, how to serve the correct notices, gas, electricity and furniture compliances, which tenancies to use and much more. Priced at £175.00 + VAT pa, it could be the best membership you purchase this year.
TFP training courses are brilliant tools for agents. A selection of Estates IT staff attended the GDPR course in Sevenoaks in January. The course was packed full of information on the new GDPR regulations coming into force on May 25th this year, and how it will affect not only our clients but Estates IT as a company. There were also legal updates regarding the Tenant Fees ban, information on MEES and lots more, all of which are helping to develop PCHomes into software you just can't live without!
Other services TFP provide are pre-recorded training courses, webinars, a quarterly Letting Update Journal and more.
If you deal with lettings or property management and haven't looked at TFP's training yet, we highly recommend attending one of their courses. You can find further details at Training For Professionals.
To find out more about our partners, software services or responsive website design, speak to a member of our team today on: 020 8859 1700 (Option 1) or

Written by Jacqueline Stow
Source Estates IT Ltd